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juglerie (1113-19)

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The form jogelerie is a cross reference to the following entry:

juglerie (1113-19)

jogelerie,  jogelerye,  joglerie;  geglerie  
  FEW:  joculari 5,41b Gdf:  jouglerie 4,660a GdfC: TL: joglerie 4,1711 DEAF:  jogler 1 (joglerie) J408 DMF:  jonglerie  TLF:  jonglerie  OED:  jugglery n.  MED:  jogeleri(e n.  DMLBS:


1entertainment, amusement (by a juggler, jongleur or jester)
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Ne est pas juglerie, Ne n'est griu ne latins [...] Ainz est raisun mustree  98
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  Ki fol aimet pur sa folie, U pur ço qu'i veit joglerie  8072
musicminstrelsy, art of performing music or songs
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  Johan […] savoit assez de tabour, harpe, viele, sitole e jogelerie  37.24
performance of (illusory) tricks
( MS: s.xiiiex )  prestigium: geglerie  ii 167
( MS: s.xv )  prestigium quedam ars ludendi gallice: juglerie  i 157
2equipment of a minstrel or juggler
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  Johan […] prist sa male ou (=with) sa jogelerie […] e dit al porter qu'il fust un jogelour  32.20


See also:

jugleis  juglement  jugler1  jugleur 
This is an AND2 Phase 3 (I/Y-M) entry. © 2008-2012 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.