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hasard (1155)

hasard (1155)

asard,  asart;  hasart  
  FEW:  zahr 1 19,203b / az-zahr 1,191a Gdf:  hasart 4,429b GdfC:  hasard 9,748c TL: hasart 4,946 DEAF:  asart  DMF:  hasard  TLF:  hasard  OED:  hazard n. and a.  MED:  hasard n.  DMLBS:  hasardum 1137b


1gamesgamblinggame of chance, dicing game
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Tels i ad juent al hasart, Ço est un gieu de male part  Brut WACE 10557
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Ki ad femme de bone part, Ceo est cheance cum de hasart  Pet Plet ANTS 1534
( MS: s.xiiiex )  ludarius: gallice hasard  TLL ii 164
( c.1360-79; MS: s.xivex )  N'ad cure [...] qui les champs doit labourer, Maisq'al hasard pourra juer  GOWER Mirour 5779
2gamesdice, (throw of) six
( MS: s.xiiiin )  senione [...] gallice asart  Vernac Glosses 12
( MS: s.xiii/xiv )  senio: gallice hasard  TLL ii 147.30


See also:

hasarderie  hasardur 
This is an AND2 Phase 2 (F-H) entry. © 2006-2008 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.