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grael1 (1113-19)

The form grayel is a cross reference to the following entry:

grael1 (1113-19)

graele;  grahel;  graielle,  grayel,  grayell;  greel  
  FEW:  gradalis 4,204b Gdf:  grael 2 4,327b GdfC: TL: gräel 2 4,505 DEAF:  grael 1 G1124 DMF:  grael 2  TLF: OED:  grail n.1  MED:  graiel n.  DMLBS:  gradalis 1090a


eccl.literaturemusicliturgicalgradual, book of antiphons
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Iço fud li salters E li antefiners, Baptisterie, grahels, Li hymners e li messels  Comput ANTS 41
( MS: s.xiii )  gradarium: grael  TLL ii 96.172
( MS: s.xiii )  gradale: greel  TLL ii 151.172
( 1361 )  ij. missales febles, j. grael, j. porthors feble  Dover Castle 384
( 1414 )  ij missales [...], j saultier et j grayell  Reg Chich ii 8


This is an AND2 Phase 2 (F-H) entry. © 2006-2008 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.