glosor (c.1185)

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glosor (c.1185)


[ FEW: 4,167b glossa; Gdf: 4,293b gloseor; GdfC: 9,704c gloseur; TL: 4,386 glosëor; DEAF: G881 glose (gloseur); DMF:  gloseur; TLF:  gloser (gloseur); OED:  glozer n.; MED:  gloser n.; DMLBS: 1086b glossator ]
gloser,  glosere,  glosur  


1literatureglossator, commentator
( c.1185 )  La u ele (=letter writer) aie li manda, Met cist es brefs quel destrura. Dehez ait or icel glosor!  583
2pej.gossip, scandal-monger
( 1400-01 )  ils se vorroient de purpos abstenir a cause qe s'ils dirroient ceo q'il sceussent dire celle partie, ils serroient tenuz pur flaterers et glosers  iii 456
3 name (used as a surname)
( 1279 )  Roger Glosere  Glozier
( 1279 )  William Glosur  Glozier
glose  gloser#1  glosure 
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