conestable (1130)

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conestable (1130)

[ FEW: 2/ii,941a comes; Gdf: 2,230b conestable; GdfC: 9,159a connestable; TL: 2,670 conestable; DEAF:  conestable; DMF:  connétable; TLF:  connétable; OED:  constable n.; MED:  constable n.; DMLBS: 388c comes (comes stabulariorum) /456b constabularius ]
coneçtable,  conestabel;  connestable;  constable;  cunestable,  cunetable,  cunistable,  cunstable;  konestable,  constabyll  


1titleoccupationconstable, chief officer of household
( s.xiiex; MS: s.xiiim )  E se uns reis […] Ait conestable e seneschal asis E tot son poeple ait en lor garde mis  731
titleoccupationconstable, warden (of castle)
( 1297 )  faites savoir au conestable de la Tour e au gardien de Londres qe […]  52.6
( 1404 )  John Copyll, constabyll de chastell de Baumburgh  i 207
titleoccupationconstable, chief officer of a town
( 1315 )  R. de C., conestable de Dovre et gardein des cink portz  i 357
( 1389 )  qe en chescune ville soit ordeiné un conestable, et qe un pois pur leynes accordant al standard soit ordeiné pur demurer en la garde de chescuny conestable  iii 272
titleoccupationconstable, local official charged with keeping the peace
( 1328 )  burghaldres, conestables et gardeins de la pees  i 258
( 1329-30 )  conestables et gardeins de la pees dedeinz lour gardez  3-4 Ed III 786
mil.ship.titlecommander of an army or group of soldiers
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Gratian, Un chevalier mult succurable, De dous legiuns cunestable  i 325.6112
( s.xii2; MS: s.xii3/3 )  S. ki cunestables ert de la chevalerie Asor  22
( c.1185 )  Pentalis fu chevaler pruz Et conestable fu de tuz  7970
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  Le roy H. apela F. e ly fist conestable de tut son host, e ly comanda tote la force de sa terre  21.28
( c.1340 )  connestable (var. (V: s.xv1) conestable) de la flotte  12
2 name (used as a (sur)name)
( 1130 )  Richard Conestable  Constable
( 1200 )  Alice Cunestable  Constable
( 1202-3 )  la Konestable  Constable
conestable d'Engletere
1mil.titlestatusConstable of England (one of the chief functionaries in the English royal household and supreme judge of military offences and of questions of chivalry)
( 1346 )  Ceste endenture faite [...] parentre [...] William de Bohun counte de Norhamptoun et conestable d'Engleterre [...] et monseignur Thomas de Daggeworthe  370
( 1400 )  le constable d’Engleterre, c’est assaver le count de Northumbirland  269.37
conestable de France
1mil.titlestatusConstable of France (one of the chief functionaries in the French royal household and supreme judge of military offences and of questions of chivalry)
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  le seignour de F., conestable de Frauns  60.31
conestable de la pes
1titleoccupationofficial charged with keeping the peace
( 1307 )  le viscounte lour maunda par les conestables de la pees de la dite vile  iii 195
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.