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chapele1 (c.1135)

The form chepelle is a cross reference to the following entry:

chapele1 (c.1135)

capele,  capelle;  chapel,  chapell,  chapelle,  chapile,  chaple,  chappel,  chappelle;  (capiele  Engl Dip Pract  496 chepelle  TLL ii 96 sacelle  GAIMAR1 1042)  
  FEW:  cappella 2/i,285b Gdf:  chapele 1 2,60b GdfC:  chapelle 9,43b TL: chapele 2,240 DEAF:  chapele  DMF:  chapelle  TLF:  chapelle 1  OED:  chapel n.  MED:  chapele n.  DMLBS:  capella 265a


1archit.eccl.chapel, church
( c.1135; MS: s.xiii2/4 )  O qui chapele o qui mostier Del sien fera edefier  S Marg wace 48.633 (M)
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii2 )  A la chapeleles fet il esposer  Boeve 3773
( MS: c.1250 )  hec capella: chapele  TLL i 424
( 1399-1400 ) pur payn et vin pur chaunter messe an le chapell  Mch Tayl Accs2 278 (1 Henry IV)
archit.eccl.(private) chapel inside church
( 1397 )  ma table d’or en ma chapile  Test Ebor i 228
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  fuist ensevelé en la meire esglise seint P. en une chapelle deinz le quere  Anon Chr1 75.11
archit.eccl.chapel of ease, parish's church building in addition to the parish church
( 1312 )  ceo qe vous apelez eglise si est chapeleet annexe a sa eglise de A.  YBB Ed II xi 192
2eccl.costumeliturgicalchapel, set of vestments and altar hangings
( 1433 )  une chappelle de camocas noir, […], fournie de trois chappes orfraiés, d’orfraiz de brodeure […], une chasuble, damatique et tunique […]  Bedford Inventories B3
3 name (used as a surname)
( 1296 )  Richard de la Chapele  Family Names Chapell
( 1380 )  William del Chapell  Family Names Chapell
chapele cotidienne
eccl.costumeliturgicala chapel for daily use (one set of vestments only, without a cope, and a set of altar hangings)
( 1433 )  Item, une chapelle cotidienne de satamiz renforcié […]  Bedford Inventories B60
franche chapele
eccl.archit.free chapel (one founded by the king and not subject to the ordinary)
( 1320 ) sa meson de Doverre, qe est sa franche chapele  King’s Bench v cxxxi
( 1323 )  nostre (=king’s) fraunche chapele de B.  King’s Bench iv 116
chapele garnie
eccl.costumeliturgicala full chapel
( 1433 )  Item, une chappelle garnie, savoir est d’une chasuble de samyt vermeil, […], damatique et tunique, […], deux aulbes, .ij. amietz parez, une estole […]  Bedford Inventories B10
chapele de cardinal
eccl.costumeliturgicala set of vestments and hangings for the use of a cardinal celebrating Mass
( 1433 )  Item, une chappelle garnie, […], damatique et tunique, […], deux aulbes, .ij. amietz parez, une estole […] une fanon […], et deux seintures de tavelle, faitz en manier d’une chappelle de cardinal  Bedford Inventories B10
chapele de Pasques
eccl.costumeliturgicalset of white vestments and hangings for use at High Mass on Easter Sunday
( 1433 )  Item, une chappelle appellé la chapelle de Pasques, laquelle est de camocas blanc […]  Bedford Inventories B49
servir a, en la chapele

See also:

chapelein  chapelette1  chappelerie 
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.