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avoler (1121-35)

avoler (1121-35)

  FEW:  advolare 24,204b Gdf:  avoler 1,539b GdfC: TL: avoler 1,777 DEAF:  voler (avoler)  DMF:  avoler  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:  advolare 39c


1also_fig.to fly away
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  Vis li fu, la ou il dormeit, Que haut en l'air un urs veeit De vers orient avolant  Brut WACE 11247
( s.xiii1/4; MS: s.xiiiex )  Pur ço avolay de tey mun Pere amunt, Ke par tey seynt sauvé ki em mey crerunt  Chant Chanz 2479
2to come flying
( 1121-35; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Pur nus vint Deus en terre Pur noz anmes cunquere, A nus vint avolant [...] Cum eigle  Best ants 2077

See also:

This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.