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annunciacion (s.xii1)

annunciacion (s.xii1)

annunciacione,  annunciation,  annunciatioun,  annunciatiun,  annuntiatiun;  anunciacion,  anunciacioun,  anunciation;  ennunciaciun  (annunciatium,  anuncioun,  anunçoun,  jurciacion  Mir Just 95)  
  FEW:  annuntiatio 24,622b Gdf: GdfC:  anonciation 8,128a TL: anonciacion 1,400 DEAF:  anonciacion  DMF:  annonciation  TLF:  annonciation  OED:  annunciation n.  MED:  an(n)unciacioun  DMLBS:  annuntiatio 91a


pronouncement, proclamation
( s.xii1; MS: 1155-60 )  jeo posai en Domne Deu ma sperance, que je recunt tutes les tues annuntiatiuns (Latin: posui in Domino Deo spem meam, ut narrem omnes annuntiationes tuas)  Camb Ps 129.LXXII.28
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xiiim )  del fruit de cest arbre fud la departisun ke li Seinz Esperiz fist as desciples par annunciatium  Joshua Sermons ii 33
Bibl.theol.Annunciation, announcement made to Mary by archangel Gabriel that she will give birth to the son of God (Luke 1:26-38)
( 1267; MS: c.1300 )  la annunciaciun De l’angele a la virgine Marie  Lum Lais ANTS 4561
( MS: 1330-40 )  E de ileque poez aller a Nazarez, la ou Nostre Dame nasqui, e al lu ou le annunciatioun fust fet  Acre to Jerusalem2 138.107
eccl.liturgicaltimeFeast of the Annunciation
( 1165-80?; MS: s.xiiiin )  se l’Ennunciaciun Venist dedenz la Passiun, U en la semaine de Pasche  ADGAR3 63.31
annunciacion Nostre Dame, de Nostre Dame
eccl.liturgicaltime(Feast of the) Annunciation
( 1319 )  Ceo est le testament Margerie de Crioll, fest le samady procheyn aprés l'anuncioun Nostre Dame  Will Crioll 83
( 1337 )  tanqe a l’Anunciacion  (ed. la nunciacion) Nostre Dame  YBB 11-12 Ed III 31
( MS: s.xv )  .xij. jours sunt qe chescun cristien devereyt juner […] le secound, de l’Anunçoun Nostre Dame en mars  Five Med MSS 157.E422
feste de l’Annunciacion (de Nostre Dame)
eccl.liturgicaltime Feast of the Annunciation
( 1280-1307; MS: s.xiv1 )  La feste Nostre Dame l’Annunciacion  LANGTOFT thiol2 357.1801
( 1321-22 )  […] a la feste de l’Annunciacion  Rot Parl1 i 409
( 1391 )  le fest de la Annunciation de Nostre Dame  Rot Parl1 iii 285
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.