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s.xii1; MS: 1155-60
jeo posai en Domne Deu ma sperance, que je recunt tutes les tues annuntiatiuns (Latin: posui in Domino Deo spem meam, ut narrem omnes annuntiationes tuas)Camb Ps 129.LXXII.28
s.xiii1; MS: s.xiiim
del fruit de cest arbre fud la departisun ke li Seinz Esperiz fist as desciples par annunciatium
Joshua Sermons ii 33
♦Bibl.theol.Annunciation, announcement made to Mary by archangel Gabriel that she will give birth to the son of God (Luke 1:26-38):
1267; MS: c.1300
la annunciaciun De l’angele a la virgine Marie
Lum LaisANTS 4561
MS: 1330-40
E de ileque poez aller a Nazarez, la ou Nostre Dame nasqui, e al lu ou le annunciatioun fust fet
Acre to Jerusalem2 138.107