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waif (c.1230)

The form weyf is a cross reference to the following entry:

waif (c.1230)

veyf;  waffe,  waiffe,  wayf,  wayffe,  wayve;  weif,  weyf  (guais)  
  FEW:  veif 17,421b Gdf:  gaif 4,203b GdfC: TL: guaif 4,722 DEAF:  gaif G40 DMF:  gaif  TLF: OED:  waif n.1 and a.  MED:  weif n.  DMLBS:  waivius 3725a

It is not entirely clear whether Anglo-Norman uses this word as a noun or as an adjective. The cognate dictionaries identify both options for this word. For French, the adjective is presented as more common than the noun, with the DMF and Gdf only providing adjectival examples. However, English suggests the opposite: the OED shows waif to be far more common as a noun, with adjectival examples being rare and (geographically and chronologically) limited; the MED provides only noun examples. The DMLBS provides both, with substantives considerably outnumbering the adjectives. The evidence for Anglo-Norman suggests a strong preponderance of the nominal use. Most of the attestations listed here as adjectival may also be read as nominal and the citation with the most straightforward adjectival use (from Exchequer Chamber) may also be read as wayvé, a past participle of waiver used as an adjective. Anglo-Norman does not currently supply incontrovertible evidence of waif as an adjective.



1 lawlivestock (livestock) found ownerless (and therefore liable to seizure)
( 1489-90 )  (the defendant) plede un sale par estraunger en market overt ou qui le chivalle fuit wayve ou wrek et de tielx qui dona titille al defendant  ii 147
lawship. (ship) found ownerless (and therefore liable to seizure by the admiral)
( c.1375; MS: s.xv1 )  Item, soit enquis de toutes nefs, vesseaulx, ou batteaulx qui sont trouvez waif sur la mer dont l’admiral na eu sa part a lui due d’office  150
2 law outlawed, deprived of the benefit of and protection of the law (usually resulting in exile)
( c.1230; MS: s.xiiim )  A cest cheitif nen est remis, [...] Que n'unt gasté ses enemis, Toleit, robbé e ars e pris. Guais s'en veit par la cuntree  2305
estre waif des oils
to have a wandering eye, look at others with sexual intent
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii2 )  E ové li en lit giseit E kil enbraçout cum amie E tint suvine a sa folie E nepurquant avant alat E ses ures cum sout chant at Mais il esteit des oilz waifs. E sis pensers esteit chaitifs  151rb7


1 law property that is found ownerless (and therefore can be seized)
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  En dreit de tresor muscee en terre trové, de wrek trové et de weyf a nous apporteynauntz, et de estourgeouns et de baleyns  i 66
( c.1342; MS: 1444 )  Item si nul weyf soit trové en ville ou en champs ou en boys, soit il beste, draps ou autre chose, si le seignur de ceo servy come estre doit  95
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  E si ascun voille soun larcin coverer par avouerie de estrai ou de weif, en tiel cas covendra qe il moustre title allouable de cele franchise  102
( 1376-77 )  en desheritison de seignurs de fraunchises, en cleymantz waif, estrayes, et autres diverses profitz  ii 95
( 1473-74 )  lez bunz ne purront estre claymer come waiffe, quar appiert que cesti que sua icy pur lez bunz est alien […] Et semble le roy ne poet aver tielx bienz come wayfe  ii 34
lawlivestock livestock that is found ownerless (and can therefore be seized)
( MS: s.xiv1/4 )  bestes qe sunt dites weyfs en le fee de sun maner avantdit par cheance avenanz aver deit […] et illukes en sa possession demorerent par la reson de la franchise  123
lawship. property that is found ownerless at sea (and can therefore be seized by the admiral)
( c.1375; MS: s.xv1 )  Item, pour prendre duement et receyver ce que de droit appartient al admiral de flotesyn, wayf, lagan, deodant, getesyn, et wrek de mer  170
2 law right of a lord to seize property that is found ownerless
( c.1275 )  qui claiment de aver wayfs en leur terres, par quel garant il ne set  16
( 1293 )  queu garrant yl clama tenyr play de la coroune, çoe est a saver […] de veyf aver, ke est apendaunt a la coroune  20-21 Ed I 425
( 1383 )  le moyté de touz maneres de chateux deinz les ditz fennes provenantes que sont appurtenances au dit roy et duc par voie de wayf ou de forfaiture  ii 323
( 1473-74 )  lez vicountes de Londres claymont lez bunz avauntditz [...] et allegerent prescripcion de aver waffe etc.  ii 34
3 law action of seizure by a lord of property that is found ownerless
( s.xiiiex; MS: c.1300 )  [...] si nule manere d’estor veynt puys en le maner ou de doun, ou de akat, ou de envey, ou de heryez, ou de weyf, ou de purchas, ou de aventure, ou en nul altre manere  422.c9
4 outlaw, person who has been deprived of the benefit and protection of the law (usually resulting in exile)
( c.1245; MS: c.1255 )  Il l’enchaça e descumfist E exiler cum waif le fist  3204
5 law state of outlawry, etc.
( 1388 )  del heure qe le roy ad pardoné al femme chescune manere de wayf (var. weyver, weyvynage )  12 Rich II 146
waif et estrai
waif et strai


See also:

waiver  waiverie  waivinage 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.