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wal (1293)

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The form walles is a cross reference to the following entry:

wal (1293)

vale;  wale,  walle, 
pl. waus  
  FEW: Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  wal  DMF:  wal 1  TLF: OED:  wall n.1  MED:  wal n.1  DMLBS:  walla 3726a
ls(loanword: M.E. )

According to the MED, the specific sense of wal as ‘an embankment to prevent the overflow of a body of water, a levee, dike’ is rare in Middle English. In contrast, it appears to be the only sense attested in Anglo-Norman. The DMLBS indicates a preponderance of meaning similar to that found in the Anglo-Norman word, when the word is borrowed in Latin.


geog.marit.archit. (sea)wall, embankment, wall that prevents flooding
( 1285-1330 )  vus aves une commissioun a surver le walles e les wateringes par tote les costierers de mer  Eastry Lett 397.6
( 1293 )  .xxij. dekes a la Pasche prechein suyant por les wals garder entur la Neyte (=the abbot's moated manor house, also known as 'Insula')  Westm Wenlok 63
( 1306 )  vous comandez le sergauns de Eybur qe il seyunt eydanz a les waus par le conseyl Jon, gardeyn de waus  Westm Wenlok 104
( 1340 )  Et voleit le bref qe eux […] pur defaute de les ditz walles reparailler, avoint perdu .xxx. acres de terre par sourounder des ewes de la mere  YBB 14-15 Ed III 247
( 1347 )  et que les dites terres ne poeint estre sauvez sinoun per la fesance de une walle el dit lieu […] pour esclore la dite ewe de mier […] la dite walle est faite et levé en travers de l’ewe susdite  Rot Parl1 ii 210
( 1461 )  Ou pur sewers, wallez des maresshez, fossez, gutterez, caulcez et pontz […] de surveier et faire estre repairez et emendez  Stats ii 387


See also:

waller  walmakere 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.