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tutsain (s.xiv2)

The form tuteceleyne is a cross reference to the following entry:

tutsain (s.xiv2)

totesan,  toteseine;  toteseyn;  totsein;  toutsain;  toutsayne;  tutesein,  tuteseyn;  tutsaine,  tutsayn,  tutsein,  tutseyn,  tutseyne;  tuttesain,  tuttesayn  (cuculeyne (l. tuteseyne) tuteceleyne  Plant Names 101.C12)  
  FEW:  sanus 11,190a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED:  tutsan n.  MED:  tut-saine n.  DMLBS:


bot.tutsan, name used for a plant, with perceived healing powers, associated with Agnus castus and Hypericum androsaemum
( MS: s.xiv2 )  verveine, totsein, maydunher  Rom 37 513
( MS: s.xv )  Agnus castus: (C2) gallice toutsain (var. (C13: s.xv2) tutsayn;  (C24: s.xv) toteseyn )  Plant Names 11
( MS: s.xv )  Diptania silvestris: (C7) cuculeyne (l. tuteseyne), totesan  (var. (B4: s.xiv) sigillum Salamonis )  Plant Names 101.C7
( MS: s.xv )  Une herbe q'est appellé toutsayne  Five Med MSS 123.E65


See also:

sein1  tut1 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.