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trotuner (1155)

trotuner (1155)

  FEW:  *trotton 17,372b and 373b Gdf:  trotoner 8,92c GdfC:  trotinner 10,814c TL: trotoner 10,691 DEAF:  trot (trotoner)  DMF:  trottiner  TLF:  trottiner  OED: MED: DMLBS:

Arnold's edition of the Wace text substitutes the word trotunant with the hapax oituant, taken from Continental manuscript 'J'. This word, not to be considered Anglo-Norman, is glossed by Keller as 'tremblant (en parlant des nerfs dans la vieillesse) (?)'. See also FEW 21,361a. For the Anglo-Norman reading, see Weiss p. 69.n3.


to walk briskly or with small steps
( 1155; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  entr' els dous vint Tonuuenne, Mere Belin [...]. Entre les dous oz vint tremblant, Veille ert si alout oituant (var. (P: s.xiii4/4) trutenant )  Brut WACE 2714 (var.)


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This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.