triumphe (1171-74)

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triumphe (1171-74)


[FEW: 13/ii,311a triumphus; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,810b triomphe; TL: 10,659 trionfe; DEAF:  trionfe; DMF:  triomphe1; TLF:  triomphe 1; OED:  triumph n.; MED:  triumphe n.; DMLBS: 3510b triumphus]


1mil.hist.triumph, solemn entrance into Rome by a victorious army and its commande in celebration of a victory in battle
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  quant revindrent a Rome, Cesars les fist solempne triumphe  130.R52.6
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  Quant Plaucius li nobles bers, qui mout de proesces fist en Bretaingne, devoir a Rome son triumphe rechoivre, Claudius le porsiewi  131.R52.10
2mil.victory, success in a battle
( 1171-74; MS: c.1200 )  Mais la tierce fiee le deiz bien asaier, Qu'il ait al tierz asalt le triumphe plenier  3367
triumph, success, victory
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  je me retrais de toutes folies et Pourchachai victoire et triumphe encontre tos fous delis  322.S157.15
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