tristre1 (1160-74)

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tristre1 (1160-74)


[FEW: 17,369a triste; Gdf: 8,80b tristre /7,730c title; GdfC: ; TL: 10,336 titre /10,667 tristre 2; DEAF:  tristre 2; DMF:  tristre / titre; TLF: ; OED:  tristre n. / trist n.2; MED:  tristre n. / trist)e n.; DMLBS: 3507b trista]
traistre,  triste  

The origins of this word are obscure and may be related to the English word trust (as noted in Romania, 80:317 (1959) p. 117), which the form traistre in Rom de Rou wace tends to confirm (see MED traist(e n. and OED traist n.). It is unclear whether the Anglo-Norman word derives from Middle English tristre or if the reverse is true (see Etymology in OED tristre n.).


1ven.trist, hunting station, appointed place where a hunter awaits the game
( 1160-74; MS: s.xvii )  Ne li est mie aviz qu’il soit alé cachier ne que il tieinge a traistre ne seus ne levrier  3910
( s.xii3/3; MS: s.xiiim )  A un triste s'esteit li rei, E vit venir la bisse a sei  1855
( s.xiiiex; MS: 1307-15 )  tristre est apellé le liu la ou omme set ou les leveres pur espier e pur gueiter le levere  93.19
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xivin )  Ces deus vices [...] sunt les tristres au diable la ou la cheitive beste relement eschape  238.3
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.