translatement (s.xii3/4)

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translatement (s.xii3/4)


[FEW: 13/ii,202b transferre; Gdf: 8,17c translatement; GdfC: ; TL: 10,530 translatement; DEAF:  translater (translatement); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]


1translation, process of rendering a text from one language into another
( s.xii3/4; MS: c.1310 ) D'un bon livre en latin fis cest translatement  (P) 18
2translation, text that has been rendered into one language from another
( c.1185; MS: s.xiii1/3 ) Altre ne desir ne coveit Fors que gré me sacent la gent Qui orunt cest translatement  14
translater  translatiun  translatour 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.