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tenceresse (1136-65)

The form tenteresse is a cross reference to the following entry:

tenceresse (1136-65)

tenseresse  (tenteresse (l. tenceresse)  Lib Alb 259)  
  FEW:  *tentiare 13/i,228b Gdf:  tenceor (tenceresse) 7,672c GdfC: TL: tenceresse 10,186 DEAF:  tencier (tenceresse)  DMF:  tanceresse  TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:


femalescold, woman who is given to scolding or quarrelling
( 1382 ) si ascun homme ou femme soit atteint pur tensour ou tenseresse, soit amesnez al thewe [...]  Deviance and Power 349
commune tenceresse
femalelawcommon scold, woman who disturbs the peace by scolding or quarrelling
( s.xivin; MS: s.xiv1/3 ) femmes qe sunt communs tenceresses entre lour veysins, e qe ne velent lour mavoyses launges chastier  Dom Gip 164
( MS: 1419 ) [...] qe nulle femme de fole vye, baude, putere, ne comune tenseresse, ne soit resident en la garde  Lib Alb 332


quarrelsome, contentious, argumentative
( 1136-65; MS: c.1200 ) De la tenceresse moillier [...]  Salemon 11709
( c.1180; MS: s.xiii2 ) D’un vilein cunte ki aveit Une femme qu’il mut cremeit, Kar ele esteit mut felunesse, De mal part e tenceresse  MARIE Fables 344.95.4
( 1360-79; MS: s.xivex ) Mais plus encore fait le rage Du male femme tenceresse  GOWER Mirour 4122


See also:

tençable  tençance  tence1  tencement1  tencement2  tencer1  tencerie  tencif  tençonus  tençour  tençous  tençun  tençur 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.