surele (s.xii2)

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surele (s.xii2)


  FEW:  *sûr 17,289a Gdf: GdfC:  surele 10,730a TL: surele 9,1085 DEAF:  surele  DMF:  surelle  TLF:  surelle  OED:  sorrel n.1  MED:  sorel n.  DMLBS:  surella 3334a
seurele;  sorel,  sorele,  sorell;  surel,  surell,  surelle  


1bot.kind of sour or acidulous plant, sorrel, Rumex acetosa
( c.1290; MS: s.xv1 ) Aussi y avez la seurele (M.E. sorel)  (O) 336vb
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 ) Herba acetosa, ascedula idem gallice sorele, anglice sourdok  81.15
( MS: c.1300 ) Acidula: (A4) gallice surele, anglice surdok (var. (A5: c.1300) sorel vel surel;  (C1: s.xvin) gallice o[s]yle vel sorele )  5
( MS: s.xv ) Pernet [...] la petite consoude, millifoille, surelle, cerfoille [...]  97.S100
surele de bois
1bot.wood sorrel, Oxalis acetosella
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xv1 ) Puz pernez la moleine e betoyne e surele de boys [...]  2
( MS: s.xv2 ) Acetosa: (C5) gallice payn de coccowe vel surel de boys, anglice wodsour  4
surele des champs
1bot.field sorrel, Rumex acetosella
( MS: s.xii2 ) [...] plantaine, lancelee, surele de bois e surele des chans, cunsoude, [...]  65.8
surele muntain
1bot.mountain sorrel, Oxyria reniformis
( s.xiii2/3; MS: s.xiii2 ) Cestes herbes purgent urine: Canele [...], Lovesche e surel montan  820
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