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[suppression] (1324)

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The form supprision is a cross reference to the following entry:

[suppression] (1324)

  FEW:  supprimere 12,451a Gdf: GdfC:  suppression 10,728c TL: DEAF:  presser (*)  DMF:  suppression  TLF:  suppression  OED:  suppression n.  / supprission  MED:  suppression n.  DMLBS:  suppressio 3329c

While most dictionaries see the noun as a derivative of supprendre (from prehendere), the form suggests an association with presser (from pressare). No verb *suppresser, *surpresser or *suzpresser appears to exist, but cognate prefixed forms are attested in Anglo-Norman in suppresse and suppressure.


harassment, oppression
( 1324 ) E, tresamé cousin, voillez [...] bien travailler ore en les busoignes le roi en cest meschef e en ceste sodeine supprision  St Sard 76
( 1333 ) [...] issint qe ascuns des gantz du conseil le dit roi d’Engleterre receivent le dit chastel et sauvent le poeple en bone foi sanz supprision, tort ou grevance  Rot Scot i 253


See also:

suppresse  suppressure 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.