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strangulun (s.xii)

The form strangelun is a cross reference to the following entry:

strangulun (s.xii)

  FEW:  strangulare 12,290a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  estrangler (*)  DMF: TLF: OED:  strangullion n.  MED:  stranguloun n.  DMLBS:


pathol.horsesstrangles, disease of horses characterized by swelling of the glands in the throat
( MS: s.xii ) Ametistus valet ad febres et calidum malum [...] et ad equi infuturam et ad sortelure (l. sorcelur) et ad trencesuns et ad farchi et strangelun  Lapid 380.xiii
( s.xiii1; MS: s.xv1 ) Cheval qui tusse e est endreyt le piz estreit, ço apele l'em strangulun  Marscaucie 2


See also:

estranguiluns  strangler 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.