specerie (s.xiii/xiv)

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The form spiserie is a cross reference to the following entry:

specerie (s.xiii/xiv)


[FEW: 12,154b species; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  espece (*); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  specery n. / spicery n.; MED:  spiceri(e n.; DMLBS: ]
spiceré,  spiceri,  spicerie,  spicerye,  spiserie  


1coll. culin. condim.(also used in plural) spicery, spice(s), aromatic vegetable condiment(s)
( MS: s.xiii/xiv ) speciamen: spicerie  ii 84.159
( MS: c.1325 ) Tuz choses ducez e amers sunt chaudez e tut chosez egrez sunt freydes, axi ben de herbez cum de spiseries  119.342
( c.1334; MS: s.xivm ) riches dons de perie et de spicerie  267.16
( 1378 ) totes maneres d’autres vivres et vitailles, et auxint totes maneres des spiceries  ii 7
( 1411 ) [...] qe please a vostre hautesse de considerer le graunt chierté q'est a present de peper, q'est le pluis usuel spicerie a tout le commune de roialme  iii 662.37
2domestic(office of) spicery, department of a royal or noble household in charge of the keeping of spices and other housekeeping supplies
( 1364-72 ) Thomas de la Spicerie, souzclerc de mesme l’office de la spicerie  E101/395/2/150
( 1416 ) deliverez a Roger Wodhill', adonqes clerk du spicerye esteant  iv 75
especerie  spece  specer 
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