somellon (s.xiii3/4)

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somellon (s.xiii3/4)


[FEW: 12,429b summus; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]

The sense and etymology of the word are unknown. It was included in the entry sumeron but the two words do not seem to be related. Hunt (2011) suggests a possible relation to lana succida 'unwashed wool'.


1unwashed part?
( MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Crotes de lievre engloute a la fiez en ses flors, En lait de anesse laine o tot les somellons sor vostre nomblil estreit tres bien le liez  96
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.