sacre2 (1383)

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sacre2 (1383)


  FEW:  saqr 19,150b Gdf: GdfC:  sacre 2 10,607a TL: sacre 1 9,27 DEAF:  sacre 2  DMF:  sacre 2  TLF:  sacre 2  OED:  saker n.1  MED:  sacre n.1  DMLBS:  sacer 2 2885b


1zool.orn.falc.saker, a species of falcon
( 1383 )  pur puture de deux faucons, .j. sacre et un gerfaucon  ii 278
( 1400 )  pur l'ostour tresze souldz et quatre deniers, le tercel de l'oustour, sacre, sacret, laner et laneret, pur chescun demy marc  276
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