sace1 (c.1165)

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sace1 (c.1165)


[FEW: 11,52a saetacium; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,604a saas; TL: 9,288 säaz; DEAF:  saaz; DMF:  sas; TLF:  sas 1; OED:  searce n.; MED:  sarce n.; DMLBS: 2895c saetarium]
saarz,  saaz,  saç,  sarce,  sarge,  sars,  sarse,  sarz,  sas,  saz,  sarcer  

There is no etymological source for the -r. The forms with -r appear to be unique to Middle English and Anglo-Norman, though it is unclear where the phenomenon originated. The relationship to Latin saccus and saccare is unclear (the DMLBS attests a sense of 'to sieve through a sack' for the latter), with some forms able to be interpreted as variants of sac#2.


1implementdomestichair-sieve, strainer made of finely woven hair
( c.1165; MS: s.xii4/4 )  Aprés la feste Saint Thomas belle fille tuche la sarz (Latin: A festo Thome taratanthara filia tange)  218
( MS: s.xiii )  taratantarum: (L) saz (var. (D: s.xiiiex) sarce; (D: s.xiii-xivin) sarcer)  ii 137
( MS: s.xiii2 )  colum: sas  ii 19
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  Sak, cryvere et sace (M.E. Sak, ridelle and heresyve)  530
( MS: s.xiv )  e melle tout ensemble; puis le coule parmy .j. saç en eawe freid  92.S68
sace a leit
1domesticimplementcolander, strainer
( MS: c.1250 )  hoc colum: saç a leit  i 414
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