ribole (c.1378)

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ribole (c.1378)


[ FEW: ; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED:  Ribol n.; DMLBS: ]

The word may also be influenced by Middle English revoil n., ‘wine which has fermented a second time’.


1oenol.Ribolla, a white wine made from the Ribolla grape, grown in northeast Italy
( c.1378; MS: s.xivex )   Des vins lour nomme mainte gendre, Candy, ribole et romanie, Provence et le montross escrie  26094
( 1396 )  Item, pro .j. buta de riboll pro galeia, .xj. duc.  Ribol n.
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