reuler2 (s.xiiiin)

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reuler2 (s.xiiiin)


  FEW:  regula 10,224b Gdf:  rieuler 7,194a GdfC: TL: riuler 8,1326 DEAF:  riule 1 (riuler)  DMF: TLF: OED:  ruler adj. and n.2  MED:  reuler(e adj.  DMLBS:  regularis 2728c
riuler,  ruler,  ruyller  


1eccl.monasticregular, subject to a monastic rule
( c.1230; MS: s.xiiiex )  Le reis la chape afubla Que as piez lui treina, Que nul ne[l] pout aviser Si [nun] pur moine reuler  181
( 1260-70; MS: s.xiv1 )  Evesqe, qe sunt greignurs, E ki de euz sunt licenciez, Seculers, ou reuler  10092
( 1306 )  Il sunt seculers genz e nent reulers com gent de religion  34-5 Ed I 167
( c.1334; MS: s.xivm )  les fist [...] vivere soutz observaunces rulers et fu illoqes lour primer abbé  175.29


1timeregular, number (of days) associated with a period of time that forms the basis of calendrical calculations
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Marz ad .xxxi. jur, .v. reules (var. (M: s.xiiiin) riulers) en sun tur  2842 (var.)
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Les epactes pernez As regulers (var. (M: s.xiiiin) riulers) justez Dunt ci devant traitai Que 'lunals' apellai  3174 (var.)
reguler  reule#1  reulement  reuler#1  reullable  reulur 
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