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reliverer (1285-1307)

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The form relivrer is a cross reference to the following entry:

reliverer (1285-1307)

  FEW:  liberare 5,302b Gdf:  relivrer 6,667a GdfC: TL: relivrer 8,694 DEAF:  livrer (relivrer)  DMF:  relivrer  TLF: OED:  reliver v.  MED:  reliveren v.  DMLBS:  reliberare 2739b


to return, hand back
( 1285-1307 )  E qe la lavendere [...] receive les draz qe sont a laver e illokes autre fez les relivre as officers  Westm Wenlok 245
( 1382 )  pur quoy ils ont reliverez les ditz joialx, a nostre oeps  Foedera1 iv 148
( 1383 )  soient tielx draps taillez en trois pieces et reliverez al vendour les pieces  Rot Parl1 iii 159
( 1422 )  qi le release fuit fait reliveré ceo al infant a son plein age  YBB 1 Hen VI 51


See also:

liveré1  reliveré 
This is an AND2 Phase 5 (R-S) entry. © 2018-21 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.