recordare (1292)

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recordare (1292)


[ FEW: 10,159b recordari; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  recorder; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  recordari n.; MED: ; DMLBS: 2685c recordari ]
ls(loanword: Latin )


1lawa writ beginning ‘recordari facias loquelam’, ordering the making of a record of a plea begun without a writ in a lower court so that it may be transferred to a higher court
( 1292 )  La ou cause seyt mis en le pone ou recordare, ke si la cause seyt fause ke le viconte lessera le recordare dermur, ne returnera pas le recordare ne le proces  20-21 Ed I 359
( 1315 )   garanti et fist remuer la parole par un bref recordari en bancke  i 303
( 1338 )  Un recordare vient au vicounte de E. de recorder une paroule qe fut en fraunchise, ou le vicomte retourna q’il fut la de recorder la paroule  11-12 Ed III 531
( 1489 )  Si le replegiare soit per pleynt, il serra remové [per] le recordare  i 210
recordari facias
1lawa writ beginning ‘recordari facias loquelam’, ordering the making of a record of a plea in a lower court so that it may be transferred to a higher court
( 1293 )  Nota ke termer, lu ou yl porte le recordari facias, e dyt 'quod talis distrinxit in feudo suo' [...]  21-22 Ed I 23
record#1  recordable  recordacion  recordement  recorder#1  recordour 
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