[rebundance] (1266-1300)

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[rebundance] (1266-1300)


  FEW:  *bombitire *1,429b Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  bondir (*)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

The editor of Secr Waterford1 suggests an etymology for this hapax from abundare (‘to be abundant’). However, in form an association with *bombitire seems more likely, and the term has been defined accordingly. See also the commentary of recercelement for the problematic character of this passage.


1eructation, belching (?)
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  Les signe de mal estomak sunt pessanteche de cors, perresce, face descoloree, pessantime des yoz, sovenement recercelement et laide rebondance, amere ou aigre ou pulent, ventosité et emflure de ventre et defaute d'apetit ou talent de mangier, sovent et sodainement estendre les bras et tout le cors  80.255
rebund  rebundie  rebundir 
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