ramage (s.xii2)

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ramage (s.xii2)


[ FEW: 10,45a ramus; Gdf: 6,572c ramage 1 ; GdfC: 10,478a ramage; TL: 8,234 ramage; DEAF:  raim (ramage 1); DMF:  ramage; TLF:  ramage 1; OED:  ramage a.; MED:  ramage a.; DMLBS: 2650b ramageus ]


1bot.treesfrom a tree, of trees
( 1181-85; MS: s.xiv1/4 )  par orgoil et frut ramage =the forbidden fruit Avint jadis iteil damage  715
2orn.falc.wild, untamed
( MS: s.xiv1 )  Jeo sui [...] plus ramage del facun Que vole parmie tut le mound  237.14
orn.falc.taken from the wild for training
( MS: 1272-82 )  Oysel ramage sout aver les pez e les oylz meins blauncz  93
colum ramage
1orn.wood-pigeon, stock-dove, Columba oenas
( MS: s.xii2 )  culun ramage:cwiste  44.95
( s.xiiim; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  [...] De la fiente ausi quit de colombe ramage  ii 101.668
( MS: 1272-82 )  de oisel chaunpeitre, ceo est fru ou cornail ou coloumb ramage  89.5
faucon ramage
1orn.falc.falcon that has been taken from the wild for training
( s.xiiex; MS: s.xiii1 )   falco peregrinus: faucun ramage  243 (R)
( MS: s.xiiiex )  De falcon ramage dirrai premier Cum l’en le devera afeitier  19 prol.
( c.1378; MS: s.xivex )  Ostour et la faucon ramage [...] L’en poet danter au saulf menage  2126


1orn.wood-pigeon, stock-dove, Columba oenas
( MS: s.xiii-xiv )  columbos: ramage  ii 27
2orn.falc. falcon that has been taken from the wild for training
( MS: s.xiii )  peregrinus: ramage  ii 111.65
( MS: s.xiiiex )  Falcon niés =taken from the nest tuz jurs veolt estre tenu plus gras ke le ramage [...]. faucon niés [...] plus lunges deit durer en main de homme ke le ramage  22.2
raim#1  raimé  raimsel  ramaille  rame#1  ramee  ramel#1  ramier  ramifier  ramir#2  ramor  ramous  ramun  ramuner 
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