publican (c.1136-65)

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publican (c.1136-65)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 9,504b publicanus; Gdf: 6,277c popelican 1; GdfC: 10,443c publicain; TL: 7,2035 publicain; DEAF:  publican; DMF:  publicain; TLF:  publicain; OED:  publican n.1; MED:  publican n.1; DMLBS: 2560a publicanus 1 ]
poplican;  publicane,  publicant;  puplican,  pupplican  


1hist.Bibl.theol.publican, tax collector for the Roman government (cf. Luke 18.10-14)
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  Por puplican celui entent Ki ad pechié popleamment  11199
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiiim )  ‘[...] Li poevres parolet od requestes’ e od humble espirit, sicum li publicans qui estut de loinz e criat a Deu  3481
( c.1325; MS: c.1325 )  un pharisen et un publican entroyent dedenz le temple  44.48.1
( c.1360-79; MS: s.xivex )  Del phariseu l’en vait lisant [...]; Mais cil qui pupplican estoit Tout autrement se contienoit  1842
2Bibl.theol.heathen (cf. Matthew 18:17)
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  Unc mestier ne li ot le hauberc jaceran N'en feist dous meitiez de si qu'al cordowan, Dunt la sele iert coverte a icel poplican  3341
( s.xii2; MS: c.1200 )  N’en lesse nient a ces herites, a ces poplicans; n’est nule foiz lor foiz  505.46
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii2 )  ‘Jeo sui’, dist il, ‘un fere publicant E ay a non Escopart’  1780


1hist.Bibl.theol.pertaining to a publican, tax collector for the Roman government (cf. Luke 18.10-14)
( c.1136-65; MS: c.1200 )  un Phariseu [...] Ki en un temple orer deveit U un puplicans heom esteit  11184
publeement  publiance  publication  publicement  publicer  publiement#1  publier#1  publique  publiquement  puplial  puplialment 
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