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puppé (s.xiiiin)

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The form poppé is a cross reference to the following entry:

puppé (s.xiiiin)

poppé;  pupie  
  FEW:  *puppa 9,603a Gdf:  poupee 6,351c GdfC:  poupee 10,391a TL: DEAF:  popee  DMF:  poupée  TLF:  poupée  OED:  poppet n.  / puppy n.  MED:  popet n.  DMLBS:  pupa 1 2579b


small effigy of a female person, doll
( MS: s.xiiiin )  puppa -pe fictio pannorum quam faciunt puelle.s. puppé gallice  Vernac Glosses 34
( MS: s.xiii2 )  pupa: (D) anglice puppe, gallice pupie  TLL ii 20


This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.