(pomuant) (c.1270)

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(pomuant) (c.1270)

[ gdw]

  FEW: Gdf:  pomuant 6,270b GdfC: TL: DEAF:  pon (pomuant)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

The hapax pomuant, included in Gdf (‘qui a le goût de la pomme’), AND1 (‘resembling an apple’) and hence in DEAFpré, as an unetymological derivative of pume, is most probably a misreading of poinnant, an otherwise unattested variant spelling of poignant (‘sharp, sour’).


1sharp, sour
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  teu manere de fruit Ke lunge en l'estomac gist descenduit, Come est fruit acetus e pomuant (l. poinnant) Come pome gernette e autre freidant  2086
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.