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The word’s primary sense – ‘part of the head on which the hair grows’ (OED I.1.a; c.1300) – is not attested in Anglo-Norman. By extension, the word also referred to a ‘person or individual’ attested in English (MED 2, c.1325).
chalenge a les polles
lawchallenge to the polls, objection made to the jurymen individually:
le bailly [...] avera chescun challenge a l’arrey et a lez polles come son maister avera etc. ajugé
Readings i 27.22
purceo lez partiez n’averount lour challenge a l’array entier, mes a lez polles
Readings 53.30
[...] aprés que parcell de l’arraye soit jurrié el serra receu de challenge lez pollez que furent jurré adevaunt
Readings i 72.20