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pulein1 (1121-35)

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The form polenis is a cross reference to the following entry:

pulein1 (1121-35)

polain,  polan,  polayn,  polein,  poleine,  poleyn,  poleyne;  pulain,  pulayn,  puleyn;  pullain,  pullan,  pullayn,  pullein,  pulleyn  (polyen  Plant Names 205 );
pl. polenis  
  FEW:  pullus 2 9,541a Gdf:  poulain 1 6,347a / poulain 4 6,347b GdfC:  poulain 10,389c TL: polain 7,1369 DEAF:  pol 2 (polain)  DMF:  poulain 1  / poulain 2  TLF:  poulain  OED:  polaine n.1  / poleyn n.2  / pullen n.  MED:  polein(e n.1  / polein(e n.2  / pullain n.  DMLBS:  pullanus 2 2568a / pullanus 3 2568a

The sense ‘poultry’ seems to be unique to English sources (also attested in Middle English and Latin), and presumably developed through association of the word with the pullet word-family (which is etymologically related).

The OED (Third edition, 2006) suggest that ‘pulley’ is a transferred use of the sense ‘foal’, rather than a separate word.


1horseszool.foal, colt, young male horse
( 1121-35; MS: s.xii3/3 )  les yves (=mares) [...] As pulains vunt curant La u sunt hennissant  Best ants 1089
( s.xiiex; MS: s.xiii2 )  En sa buche mist un frein Com hom fait a un polein  S Geo 1612
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  Harras dist hom des poleins (M.E. coltes)  BIBB ROTH (G) 227
( 1325 )  ount euz la disme des pulleyns de jumentz [...] del haraze de nostre seigneur le roi  Rot Parl1 i 439
( 1415-17; MS: s.xv1 )  troiez, chivalx, jumentz, pullaynz, berbez, motons  Liber Donati (D) 23.227
horseszool.foal, young male ass
( s.xivin; MS: s.xivm )  Aristotil parle [...] de la nature del asne, e dit qe tant est assotee de soun jeone poleyne, qe [...]  BOZ Cont 155
( MS: s.xivm )  il prophetize le poevre roi [...] proche ly, seaunt sur le pulain, filz de asne, myse south juge  S Jer 3vb
mammalszool.calf, young elephant
( s.xivin; MS: s.xivm )  Quant le oliphant va en deserte e son poleyn va suant, si il veit un homme hors de la veie, lors quide meigtenant qe le homme desire son poleyn, e pur ceo, pur lui deliver de cel homme e sauver son poleyne (var. enfaunt), trest al chymin qe geust plus procheyn pur mettre le homme en la voye  BOZ Cont 93
2orn.livestockzool.poultry bird, domestic fowl (such as chickens, geese, ducks, etc.)
( 1329 )  .xij. pullan prec. 18 d.  OED pullen n.
( 1459-60 )  Bras. Ordii. Et lib. Nicolai Waynpayn ad coquinam pro le polan, .ij. qrt.  OED pullen n.
3implementpulley, chute or slide for lowering barrels into a cellar etc.
( c.1300 )  pur un tonel de vin mener sur poleins (var. polenis) ou lotels (l. locels)  Oak Book i 72
( s.xivin; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  E ensement se avise bien le cheventeyn des avauntditz beremen (=bearers, men who carry) q’il eyt poleyns (M.E. levours) e autres choses qe appendunt a soun office, dunt le people peot estre servy  Dom Gip 184
4name(used as a surname)
( 1161 )  Bernardus Pulein  MED polein(e n.2
( 1297 )  John Polayn  MED polein(e n.2
( c.1300; MS: s.xivm )  Ces sunt cynonimes de Mesire Willame li Pulains chevalier, et Mestre Jaques Sarasin, le ypoticaires, noveau crestien  Gloss Arab 363rubr.
pé de pulein
puleiner un pulein


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This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.