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plunket (1375-76)

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The form plounkette is a cross reference to the following entry:

plunket (1375-76)

plonkett,  plounkette,  plunkete,  plunkett  (   )
  FEW:  *plumbicare 9,94b Gdf:  plonquier 6,228a GdfC: TL: DEAF:  plon (plonquié)  DMF:  plonquié  TLF: OED:  blunket adj. and n.  / plunket adj. and n.1  MED:  plunket n.  DMLBS:  plunkettum 2324c

The etymology of this term is somewhat obscure, though we follow the OED in suggesting an etymon in the OF plonquier (Gdf 2,228a). The term is attested first in 1375 in a mixed Latin-AN context and attested from the late fourteenth century in AN, predating the first ME attestation by approximately 20 years. It is equally attested as a surname from the late fourteenth century. The form blunket is also attested in ME from a similar period and the change in initial consonant may have been influenced by the development of blanket, from the AN blanchet. The suffix –et was used in the production of a number of cloth terms; see blanchet, bluet, brunet, chamelet, russet (sub russaz) etc.



textileplunket, woollen cloth normally of a grey or light-blue colour
( 1375-76 )  Pro 12 uln. de plunkett  582
( 1415; MS: s.xv1/4 )  bloyes ou pers selestiens, plunketz sanguyns et violetz en greyn rayés  76.9
( 1415-17; MS: s.xv1 )  .xx. kerseyez d'Abyndon, .x. blanketez de Whiteney, .vi. rougez de Chastelcombe, .iiii. russetez de Colchestre, scarletez, bloiez ou perz salestenz, plunketez sanguynz et violettez en greynez raiez  (D) 24.234
( 1415; MS: s.xv1/4 )  plunketz sanguyns et violetz  76.9
( c.1420 )  3 pann. de blonket ray  617
( 1423-24 )  plonkett rayé, plonkett niger  619
( 1483-84 )  la faisure d'ascun drap appellé vervise autrement appellé plounkettes turkyns ou celestrines  ii 488


colourgrey or light-blue colour
( 1397 )  un sengle vestiment de drap de damasqe plunket  296


See also:

blanchet  plum1  plumbage  plumé1  plumer2  plumet  plummer 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.