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pere3 (s.xiiiex)

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The form pirez is a cross reference to the following entry:

pere3 (s.xiiiex)

peire,  per,  peyre,  poire  (pire, ,  pyr  i 148 ),
(pl. peris,  pirez,  piris  ii 110 pers)  
  FEW:  pirum 8,572b Gdf: GdfC:  peire 10,306c TL: poire 7,1328 DEAF:  poire  DMF:  poire  TLF:  poire  OED:  pear n.  MED:  pere n.1  DMLBS:  pirum 2290a

For use of pere to refer an object of little value see F. Möhren, Le renforcement affectif de la négation par l’expression d’une valeur minimale en ancien français. Niemeyer, 1980, p.195-6.


1fruitbot.pear, the fruit of the pear-tree
( c.1300 )  De chescun toun des poumes et des peires  ii 12
( 1318; MS: s.xv )  pomes, pers, ciris et autrez fruytez qi le dit fruitier purvera  249
( 1415-17; MS: s.xv1 )  dez pirez (var. (T: s.xiv1/4) poires) et pomez j'ay plenté  (D) 22.155
( 1427-28; MS: s.xv )  Peres en comfyt, payn puffé  247
(as a worthless object) pear
( MS: s.xiiiex )  Mun estat adés espeire, Ne le pris pas une peyre  251.77
2treesbot.pear-tree, Pyrus communis
( MS: c.1310 )  .xl. peres (l. perés?) (var. (Ro: a.1330) perers); pris de chescun .x. d.  305
pere jonet
pere Robert
fruitbot.Syrian pear, pyrus syriaca
( MS: s.xiii2 )  Unde Virgilius ominia pira comprehendit sub generis trium pirorum dicens sic: crustiniis Siriisque piris (gloss: peire robert) gravibusque volemis  i 224 and i 231
pere grant
fruitbot.peach, fruit of the Prunus persica
( c.1300; MS: s.xivm )  Dorrage: peris grant  375.162
pesante pere
fruitbot.large, weighty pear
( MS: s.xiii2 )  Unde Virgilius ominia pira comprehendit sub generis trium pirorum dicens sic: crustiniis Sirrisque piris gravibusque volemis (gloss: pelante (l. pesante))  i 224 and i 231


See also:

peré1  peremain  peremainer  perer1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.