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peonie (c.1216-20)

The form piainé is a cross reference to the following entry:

peonie (c.1216-20)

peoyné,  pionie;  pioné,  pioiné,  pioyné;  pyoingné,  pyoiné,  pyoyné  (piainé  Receptaria 12.19)  
  FEW:  paeonia 7,464b Gdf: GdfC:  peoine 10,314c TL: pïoine 7,961 DEAF:  peoine  DMF:  pivoine  TLF:  pivoine  OED:  peony n. and a.  MED:  pione n.  DMLBS:  paeonia 2080a

It is not clear whether the final -e in a form like pione should be considered tonic or not. Whereas Continental French seems to have favoured an unstressed -oine ending, in English, the final syllable always seems to have been tonic. Anglo-Norman may have gone for either, with the result that forms like peoyne, pione, pioine, pioyne, pyoingne, pyoine, pyoyne and piaine are equally justifiable with or without an accent on the final -e.


bot.peony, Paeonia (herbaceous plant with large red, pink or white flowers)
( MS: c.1250 )  hec peonia: peonie  TLL i 428.606
( MS: s.xiiiex )  Quisez en ewe pyoyné, cyremontayne, primerole [...]  Pop Med 272.34
( c.1300; MS: s.xivin )  Ausi porte la racine de peoyné al col  A-N Med ii 144.44
( MS: c.1340 )  Pionia: (B2) gallice pioyné (var. (B9: s.xiv1) gallice et anglice pioné)  Plant Names 208
bot.condim.culin.peony seeds (used as a spice or medicinal ingredient)
( c.1216-20; MS: 1419 )  [...] gyngebraz, rys, cermountyn, cotoun, baleyn, fraunkensens, pioiné (var. ( ) pyoingné( ) pioyné), annys, datez [...]  Lib Alb 230
( MS: 1419 )  [...] kark de canelle, kark de ensens, karke de pyoiné, karke de anys, karke de dates [...]  Lib Alb 224
( MS: s.xv )  Pernetz demy unce de pioné blanc pelee  Five Med MSS 136.E219


This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.