paternel (s.xiiiex)

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paternel (s.xiiiex)

[ hap]

  FEW:  paternus 8,13b Gdf: GdfC:  paternel 10,295a TL: paternel 7,481 DEAF:  paterne (paternel)  DMF:  paternel  TLF:  paternel  OED:  paternal adj.  MED:  paternal adj.  DMLBS:  paternalis 2144a


1kinship paternal, belonging to, relating to, or characteristic of a father
( s.xiv1; MS: c.1361 )  juste les piez de Gamaliel apris (del) juste la veritee de paternele lei  (A) 372c
( 1405 )  humblement requerant vostre bontenouse (l. bontevouse) et gracieuse paternele benison  ii 62
( 1410-15; MS: c.1415-20 )  ovesque diligial peticion del paternel beneçone. Reverent piere et sire [...]  420
( MS: s.xiiiex )  Nonne tibi, si fieri posset, honestius iudicares rure paterno (gloss: (L) paternele champ ) frui quam salarii lucello addictum fuisse  i 175 and ii 48
fig.theol.paternal, belonging to, relating to, or characteristic of an individual having a paternal role in the Church
( c.1380; MS: s.xiv4/4 )  a vostre reverence paternele [...] d'une corage vous supplions [...]  388
parain  parastre  parricide  paterne  paternostre  paternostrer  paternité  pere#1 
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