passelarge (1429)

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passelarge (1429)

[ hap]

  FEW:  *passare *7,707a Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF:  passe (passelarge)  DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:

As Studer notes in his edition of the Port Books, “Andrew Spinol pledges for Jacob Spinol 26 bales of fells, contents 6500 fells of passelarge ... and 6500 lamb-skins. Note that duty on fells passelarge was twice that on the ordinary lamb-skin; it must therefore have been a particularly large fell, or a fell with a superior quality of wool. M. Paul Meyer has kindly pointed out to me that passelarge is a superlative adjective, a parallel form of très large = very large. Passe fin occurs in Cotgrave, passe gracieus in a notice of M. Meyer, published in Bulletin des anciens textes fr., 1912, No. 1, p. 61.” The term is also attested once in an English context in Mercers ii 684: Lamfell for the C. [...] Passelarge for the C."


pel passelarge
1skinsvery large lambskin
( 1429 )  Andrew Spinol plege pur J.S. .xxvj. bales de pels, contenue .vj. mil .c. pel passelarge  107
( 1430 )  Poul Morel: .j. bale, contenu .vij. .C. pels passelarge - cust. .xxj. d., pontage .j. d.  115


1item of very large size
( 1485-1509 )  Item [...] le brocour avera pur brocage [...] Passelarge pur le sent  E 163/9/21
large  passer#3 
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