oracle (s.xiv1)

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oracle (s.xiv1)

[ gdw]

  FEW:  oraculum 7,384a Gdf:  oracle 5,611b GdfC:  oracle 10,237a TL: oracle 6,1172 DEAF:  oracle  DMF:  oracle  TLF:  oracle  OED:  oracle n.  MED:  oracle n.  DMLBS:  oraculum 2042b

The word seems to be preserved in Anglo-Norman only in its specific Biblical sense, cf. Exodus XXV 17-20 or III Kings vi 16. The more common sense of the word, i.e. ‘oracle, divine revelation’, is well attested in Continental French and (later) Middle English.


1Bibl.Judaismarchit.theol.mercy seat, holy of holies, i.e. the most sacred sanctuary of the Jewish Temple
( s.xiv1; MS: s.xivm )  Et il fist le propiciatorie, ceo est le oracle, de or trespur  62vb
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