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offertorie (c.1334)

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offertorie (c.1334)

  FEW:  offerre 7,333b Gdf:  offertoire 5,576c GdfC: TL: ofertoire 6,992 DEAF:  ofrir (ofertoire)  DMF:  offertoire  TLF:  offertoire  OED:  offertory n.  MED:  offertori(e n.  DMLBS:  offerre 2009c


liturgicalmusicoffertory, a song sung following the Creed during mass
( c.1334; MS: s.xivm )  Cist fist les doblez et les retournes qe sount en les offertoires [...] en disaunt par retourn en l'offertoire dé morz:  TREVET Cron1 247.4-5
( a.1399; MS: a.1399 )  Et aprés l'offertorie, le roy fuist amené de amount al haute altre  Anon Chr1 113.37


See also:

offeringe  offerture  offrant1  offre  offrende  offrendour  offrir 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.