navet1 (s.xiii1/4)

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navet1 (s.xiii1/4)

[ hap]

  FEW:  napus 7,10a Gdf:  navete 1 5,478a GdfC:  navet 10,193c TL: navet 6,534 / navete 2 6,535 DEAF: DMF:  navet  / navette  TLF:  navet  / navette 1  OED:  navet n.2  / navette n.1  / navew n.  MED: DMLBS:  napus 1884a
navé,  navett,  navia; 
pl. naveus,  naveux,  naviaus  

(Old, Middle, Modern) French distinguishes between navet, s.m. meaning ‘turnip’ and navette, s.f. meaning ‘rapeseed’ though both of these plants share the same genus, Brassica with rapeseed known as Brassica napus and turnip is known as Brassica rapa. Napus in medieval Latin can refer to a variety of plants, including wild turnip, wild radish and wild nep and in a similar manner rapa can be used to mean turnip or rape or even parsnip. Anglo-Norman seems only to use navet to refer to ‘turnip’, though it is possible that some of the citations are referencing ‘rape’. See also nef#2 and nefel.


( MS: s.xiii1/4 )  rappula: naveus  i 64
( MS: s.xiii )  rapis: hec rapa, gallice navez; rabes  i 135
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  E cy troveret plenté des navez (M.E. of nepes)  498
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  chascune maniere de potage, nomeement de feves et quanqu'est de semblable nature, collet, naviaus; chascun fromage, et tant cum plus est viez  254.S54.21
( 1396; MS: c.1400 )  a la primiere course, de soupe des naveux, s'il soit en estee et s'il soit en yver, des chous de porree ou de poais avecque la larde  51
2bot.(due to the similar appearance of its root to a turnip) bryony, white vine
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 )  brionia id. gallice navet, anglice wild nep  5.27
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  Homme en gardeyn arace navet (M.E. nepus)  235
navet salvage
1bot.bryony, white vine
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 )  G. brione vel navé sauvage, A. wildenep  26
nef#2  nefel 
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