nai (1165-80 (?))

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nai (1165-80 (?))

[ hap]

  FEW:  non 7,184a Gdf:  nai 2 5,464b GdfC: TL: naje 6,493 DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED:  nay adv.1 and n.  MED:  nai, interj.  DMLBS:  non 1927b
naie,  nay,  nei,  nais  266  
ls(loanword: M.E. Scandinavian (?))

While the FEW (7,186b) suggests that the form naie may come from naje (non+ego), it is far more likely to have been borrowed from the Middle English nai, coming from early Scandinavian. It was widely used in English, but is rarely attested in AFr.


1(in a negative response to a question or statement) no, nay
( c.1185; MS: s.xiiim )  Ja mes n'avrez de ly eschange. -Alez? Oyl! -Pur quey? Ne say! Ky li mefist? Nuls! Si fist! Nay!  1424
( c.1230; MS: s.xiiim )  'Ne savez, frere, dunt est venu?' 'Nai, ma dame, sez le tu?'  3886
( s.xivin; MS: 1312-40 )  'Je su Fouke vostre frere'. 'Nay certes, daun Sarazyn, non estes'  55.34
( c.1390; MS: s.xivex )  encontre amour n'est qui poet dire Nai  366.7


( c.1260; MS: c.1275 )  Volez plus dyre? Syre, nay a ceste foyz  102
( 1315 )  quidez vous qe [...] nay noun freez  Ed II xvii 159
( c.1432 )  Soit sceu si ses biens estaient deliverés a Roen ou nay  C256


1a refusal, an utterance of 'nai'
( c.1390; MS: s.xivex )  et quant le nai dirra, Plus que la mort m'estone celle oie  362.19
sanz nai
1without denial, assuredly
( 1165-80?; MS: s.xiiiin )  Bien puet durer sanz naie  (ed. s'envaie) Ki d'iceste Dame ad aie  139.165
naje  ne#1  nenil  nun#1 
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