j (s.xiiiex)

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j (s.xiiiex)


  FEW: Gdf: GdfC:  j 10,35a TL: j 4,1928 DEAF:  j  DMF:  J  TLF:  J  OED:  J n.  MED:  j n.  DMLBS:  J 1495a

The letter ‘j’ is a modern representation of medieval ‘i’ or ‘long i’.


1letterj, 'long i'
( 1357-58 )  Mes J. Bret demura a l’ostel  123
( c.1397; MS: s.xv1 )  et gracieuses lettres avons nagaires receu par J. P., vostre escuier  252.5
2num.(in Roman numerals) one, a single unit
( s.xiiiex; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  Rap […] est pris pur .j. propre mot doné pur chescun aforcement de femme  29
( 1408-09 )  En primes pur .vij. alnes toil’ pur .ij. auterclothis a .vij. d. - .iiij. s. .j. d.  10 Henry IV
( c.1433-34 )  In primis, .j. celour, .j. testour, et .j. coverture de satyn blewe  C234
This is an AND2 Phase 3 (I/Y-M) entry. © 2008-2012 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.