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here2 (c.1136-37)

here2 (c.1136-37)

  FEW:  'visage' (here) 21,297b Gdf:  here 2 4,459c GdfC: TL: here 4,1077 DEAF:  here 1 H398 DMF: TLF: OED: MED: DMLBS:


1expression, look
( 1214; MS: 1214-16 )  'Donc' dist G., od bele here, 'Va donqes tost [...]'  S Greg 452
appearance, air
( 1184; MS: s.xiiiex )  unkes de pour ne fist semblant Ne male chiere (var. (B: s.xiiiex) here)  S Thom beneit1 1737 (var. B)
( c.1136-37; MS: s.xiiex )  Entre Cheulinz e cel sun frere Firent as bretuns male here  GAIMAR1 986


This is an AND2 Phase 2 (F-H) entry. © 2006-2008 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.