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helmé (c.1230)

helmé (c.1230)

pl. helmez;  haumez,  heaumés  
  FEW:  *helm 16,192b Gdf:  heaumer (heaumé) 4,446a GdfC: TL: heaumer 4,1049 DEAF:  heaume (heaumer) H324 DMF:  heaumer  TLF: OED:  helmed adj.  MED:  helmen v. (helmed)  DMLBS:


fig.armed with a helmet, protected by a helmet
( c.1230; MS: 1275-85 )  Plus unt joie quant al cel sunt levez, Quant d’enfer sunt par tant eschapez, Kar ore sunt en itel liu posez, De lur plaies tant docement armez, De lur sanc curunez e helmez  Pet Phil 2743
( 1271-72; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  E touz furent haubergez e haumez e o cretez sur lor testes, k’il peussent plus legerement estre conu  vegetius2 47.22


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