ginder (1160-74)

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ginder (1160-74)


[ FEW: 17,430b vinda; Gdf: 4,386c guinder; GdfC: 9,737c guinder; TL: 4,791 guinder 1; DEAF: G1641 guinder; DMF:  guinder; TLF:  guinder; OED:  wind v.1; MED:  winden v.1; DMLBS: 3738b windare ]
vinder,  winder,  wuder (l. vinder?) wider  445  
ls(loanword: M.E. (?))

v.a. hoist
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin ) Atornee ont al vent la nef, Hobens ferment, windent le tref  ii 251.9854
( s.xii3/3; MS: s.xiiim )  Tute noit current a la lune, Le tref windé tres K’a la hune  902
( s.xivin; MS: s.xiv1/3 )  de chescun tonel de vyn pur le gynder e pur herberger le [...] e pur coucher le tonel, ij d. ob.  178

v.absol. hoist
( s.xiv )  il doit monstrer as marchaunz les cordes ové quey il gindera  ii 70
2to wind (wool, yarn, etc.) (cf. voider 2)
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  Un lussel (Latin: a clewe) de wuders wude (l. vinde?) (M.E.  wind)  350
gindage  gindas  gindasstokke  ginde  gwynder 
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