foreer (s.xiiim)

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foreer (s.xiiim)

[ FEW: 15/ii,154b *fodar /3,660a; 3,661a *fodar; Gdf: 4,93c forrer 1; GdfC: ; TL: 3,2135 forrer; DEAF:  fuerre 1 (forrer); DMF:  fourrer 1; TLF: ; OED:  foray v.; MED:  forraien v.; DMLBS: ]
foreier;  foreir;  forreher;  forreyer;  fureer  


1to forage, hunt or plunder in order to collect supplies
( s.xiiim; MS: s.xiiiex )  Sir, li Sarrazin viegnent qe .iij. jours unt furee: Mult mei vient a merveille dunt il sunt arivee  648
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  Dounc jeo le fesey forveher, Ly leer ke vint la forreher (M.E. seke forage)  265
( s.xiv1; MS: s.xivm )  Laquele, com ele =Hagar s’en y alast, foreia el desert de Barsalee  233


1foraging, hunting or plundering in order to collect supplies
( 1306 )  ses gentils homes e sa altre mesné viveent de lour purchas & et (l. purchas et) de lour foreer si le pais [...] de guerre soit a çoe suffisaunt  46
forage  forager  forajor  forier  forreiour 
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