celure (1342)

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celure (1342)

[ FEW: 2/i,572a celare; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: 2,101 celëure1; DEAF: ; DMF:  celure; TLF: ; OED:  celure n.; MED:  celure n.; DMLBS: 308c celare ]
celiure,  celour,  celoure,  celur;  cillour,  cilour;  seilour,  selour,  sileure,  sillour,  silour,  syllour,  sylour  


1decor.domesticcanopy (over bed)
( 1342 )  Et en la chambre du lyt fra le celure paramount le lyt  434
( 1396; MS: s.xv1 )  un lit entier […], testre, cillour, curtyns  5.22
( 1415; MS: s.xv1/4 )  vostre lyt sera fayt […] dez oraillers, […] curtyns, tester et syllour  74.8
( c.1433-34 )  .j. celour, testour et .j. coverture de satyn blewe  C234
domesticbedding, all articles composing a bed
( 1376 )  un grant lit […] avec le celure entiere, curtyns, quissyns, traversin, tapitz de tapiterie (l. tapicerie), et tout entierment l’autre apparaille  230
2eccl.liturgicalimplementcanopy, covering over a shrine or over the Host
( 1397 )  .ij. larges curtyns blancs de tartryn ovesqe crosses et .j. celure de mesme la suite  293
( 1377-82 )  .iiij. pieces pur la celoure d’un chambre  E101/547/21/1
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.