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vergoigne (s.xii1)

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vergoigne (s.xii1)

vergoine,  vergonie;  verguine,  verguingnie  


( s.xii1; MS: 1155-60 )  Kar mes illiers sunt empliz de vergoigne (Latin: ignominia)  65.XXXVII.7
( s.xiiiex; MS: 1307-15 )  Cest huntage e ceste vergoigne e (var. (BN: s.xivin) en) confession est mout profitable au peccheor  90.22
2modesty, bashfulness
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  De vergoigne rovit, si.n out meillur colur  2707
nun vergoine
(TBD)  nun vergoine ceo est hunte perdre e afeitement ublier  208rb
This is an AND1 entry © MHRA 1977-1992: reproduced with permission. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.